
Holi in Kolkata — Hugely Colourful and Enthusiastic Celebrations

Holi in Kolkata — Hugely Colourful and Enthusiastic Celebrations

It was a February evening and Mrs. Sharmila Chatterjee was extremely worried. It was quite late in the evening. Jeet was supposed to come back much earlier. Wasn’t Jeet aware of the time? That it was already very late in the evening? Sharmila was getting anxious, angry, and stressed. She had no idea why Jeet…

Union Budget 2022 Bets on Infrastructure Led Economic Growth

Union Budget 2022 Bets on Infrastructure Led Economic Growth

The Indian economy is expected to show the highest growth in the world this year. Top international organisations and economic commentators are predicting this. This is in sharp contrast to all the other major economies of the world that are expected to report muted growth or degrowth this year. India’s economic growth in the current…

How NK Realtors is Gearing up to Offer Improved Service to Homebuyers

How NK Realtors is Gearing up to Offer Improved Service to Homebuyers

It was a difficult time for senior citizens. Many of them felt completely helpless. After the government declared lockdown on 24th March 2020, there was a stoppage of all e-commerce and home delivery services in Kolkata. Senior citizens, often dependent on these platforms for their daily needs, medicine, and bottled water, found it very difficult…

How Social Media are Transforming Property Sale and Purchase

How Social Media are Transforming Property Sale and Purchase

Dr. Suthirtha Chatterjee just doesn’t have time to surf Google. Although he also has a Facebook account, he rarely finds time to log in and surf. Dr. Chatterjee is an extremely busy surgeon in Kolkata. Generally, his day starts early in the morning and ends late at night. His reputation as a highly-skilled surgeon is…

The Rich Tradition of Christmas and New Year Celebrations in Kolkata

The Rich Tradition of Christmas and New Year Celebrations in Kolkata

Since Amrita came down to Kolkata with her parents when she was only 6 years old, the Midnight Mass at the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral had always fascinated her. The well-dressed crowd from all faiths and denominations, the sonorous voice of the Bishop, and the warm environment on a cold December night never failed to…

How Kolkata Air Quality is a Cause of Concern and What We should Do

How Kolkata Air Quality is a Cause of Concern and What We should Do

Amlan is not a fanatic on anything. He is moderate in his views in almost all subjects under the sun. Even in matters of politics and religion, he prefers to tread a middle path. He is doing his master’s in Environmental Studies from Calcutta University. Amlan is not only interested to receive his degree and…

What are the Pros and Cons of Buying a Home in a Gated Community

What are the Pros and Cons of Buying a Home in a Gated Community

When Raj Sengupta came to Kolkata from his hometown Siliguri after he got a job in an IT company at Salt Lake, Sector 5, he started living in rent in a standalone building near Chinar Park. Commuting to his office was rather easy through New Town as traffic is smooth except for some occasional traffic…

What is Special about Durga Puja in Kolkata Residential Complexes

What is Special about Durga Puja in Kolkata Residential Complexes

There is something very special about Durga Puja. Whatever happens in the world, whether devastating flood or pandemic, Durga Puja is always magical for every Bengali. As soon as the monsoon rains start their departure and the sky becomes a mosaic of blue and white, every Bengali looks forward to the Pujas. The timeless appeal…

How Important for Your Home to be Close to a Reliable Hospital?

How Important for Your Home to be Close to a Reliable Hospital?

In the early hours of a chilly December morning, Suchitra’s father was hit by something big. That ‘something’ nearly killed him. Subir Chatterjee, Suchitra’s father is about 67 years old. After an uneventful working life in the Income Tax Department, he has been enjoying the quiet life of a retiree. Staying in a gated community…