green living

How Important is Rainwater Harvesting in Indian Cities

Every year as the summer sets in, water becomes scarce across the length and breadth of India. Can you imagine living in an Indian city and not having a water connection at your home? Well, a Bengaluru scientist has just done that. By rainwater harvesting to meet all his family’s requirement of water at his…

Time to Think of Rooftop Solar Panels on Buildings in Kolkata?

When Kolkata-based banker, Nilesh Gupta went to visit his cousin in Bengaluru, it was interesting (as well as inspiring) to see them living a ‘green’ lifestyle. Their home was powered by solar panels, which produced enough energy to meet his small family’s needs. What he really wondered was, can this be feasible in the real…

Is It Time to Consider Better Measures to Control Air Pollution in Kolkata?

If you go up on a high building in Kolkata and look down on the glittering lights of the street below, you can see an engulfing gray haze, especially in the winter months. Although Kolkata has become much cleaner in last few years, particularly with an efficient waste management system in place, it is high…