
How to Manage the Stress of Covid 2nd Wave Even if New Infections are Decreasing

How to Manage the Stress of Covid 2nd Wave Even if New Infections are Decreasing

Sreetama never expected this. Even in her worst nightmare, she could not imagine such a turn of events. Her world seemed to be falling apart. A few months of persistent struggle, slow recovery from a sudden crisis — all seemed to be coming to an end. Her husband Sujoy constantly tells her to cheer up…

Monsoon Rains are almost on Us and How it Changes Our Lives

Monsoon Rains are almost on Us and How it Changes Our Lives

Why is the monsoon rains such a welcome relief to almost all Indians? In spite of the waterlogged roads after a heavy shower, in spite of the discomfort of carrying a water-drenched umbrella, and in spite of occasionally catching the cold, sneezing, and fever, we love rains in every city in India, especially in Kolkata….

Why Should You Choose to Live in a Housing Complex During the Covid Pandemic?

Why Should You Choose to Live in a Housing Complex During the Covid Pandemic?

Are there really a lot of advantages of living in a housing complex these days? Is there better safety? Does the community and the infrastructure help to live a more fulfilling life? Sambit Roy lives in a gated community with his beautiful wife Sreetama and their 7-year-old daughter Rini. They really think that living in…

This Summer is Going to be the Extremely Hot — How will You Cope?

This Summer is Going to be the Extremely Hot — How will You Cope?

We are experiencing unbearable heat every summer in India. It is expected that 2021 will be no different. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has stated that the summer season is expected to be warmer than usual over most regions of India except some southern states. Kolkata weather is extremely humid in addition to being hot,…

What Steps You Can Take to Conserve Water This Summer

What Steps You Can Take to Conserve Water This Summer

These days, school projects involve the parents so much that they become part of the project team along with their child. So, when Aditya informed his parents that he must submit a project on ‘how to conserve water this summer,’ his parents swung into action. A brainstorming session followed. Everyone came out with a number of ideas…

Poila Baishakh in Kolkata — A Day of Good Food, Fun, and Socialising

Poila Baishakh in Kolkata — A Day of Good Food, Fun, and Socialising

These days, Dr. Rajat Chatterjee is often getting late in going to the hospital. His two daughters are vigorously practising for the upcoming cultural programme in the housing complex on Poila Baishakh. With their mother joining them, his breakfast is often late. Nevertheless, he enjoys the new cultural environment in his house as his daughters…

How to Make the Best of the Advent of Spring in Kolkata

How to Make the Best of the Advent of Spring in Kolkata

Sudipa always loved proximity with nature. Being born and lived in semi-urban Bankura, she was always fond of greenery. Changes of seasons brought in myriad feelings of joy in her mind. Sudipa experienced nature from close quarters in her childhood. She still nurtures the fond memories of the advent of spring, the heady scents of…

Christmas — A Time to Give, Help Others, and Share Happiness

Christmas — A Time to Give, Help Others, and Share Happiness

“At the end of life, we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless,…

Why Air Quality in Kolkata is Still a Worry in Most Areas

Why Air Quality in Kolkata is Still a Worry in Most Areas

As December approaches, Subirbabu first became irregular and finally stopped his otherwise regular morning walk sessions at Rabindra Sarobar as air quality started deteriorating. Mrs. Roy in Salt Lake used to take an evening walk in the neighbourhood park. In the winter, her breathlessness worsens because of poor air quality and she avoids venturing out…