Blog – 1 Column & Sidebar

Is the Worst Over for the Indian Economy? It Certainly Looks Like It

The Indian economy has been proven on many occasions to be extremely resilient to the vagaries of weather, war, myriad international factors, and now, even the global Covid-19 pandemic. In spite of massive initial disruptions as the pandemic started, India’s economy is back on its track. The signs are so strong that it is now…

My Home, My Pandal — A Reclusive Durga Puja This Year

Durga Puja, the once in a year mega festival in Kolkata never fails to rejuvenate, amaze, throw all reservations to the winds and join the 4-day-long extravaganza all over the city. Everyone in Kolkata avidly starts waiting for a full year for the next Puja as soon as Puja ends in a year. Durga Puja…

Santragachhi, Howrah — Close to Kolkata, Upcoming Real Estate Hotspot

There is an old saying that the western bank of the Ganges is as holy as Varanasi — ‘Gangar Poschim Kul, Varanasi Samatul’. In fact, Howrah is a much older city than Kolkata and in the recent past, has again come to focus. Howrah, especially the north-western area of Howrah, has seen increased development activities…

Mahishbathan — Strategically Located Lakeside Property Hotspot

Raj and Debjani Chatterjee have been living in South Kolkata after they got married a couple of years back. As their families were from South Kolkata, it felt good being close to families. But the difficulty of daily travel from South Kolkata to Salt Lake Sector 5, where his office is, has prompted him to…

Why You Must Buy a Home Now Ignoring Covid-19

Rabi, Sumita, and their 14-year-old daughter have been living in a small rented home in Kolkata for a few years now. Both of them are doctors and work in a hospital close to EM Bypass. In fact, their home is conveniently located near Kasba, and their workplaces are within easy reach. Even their daughter’s school…

How You Can Create a More Efficient Kitchen in the Current Situation

In the small family of Subir and Jayati there was always the traditional Indian division of labour. Subir was the bread-earner, while Jayati was truly the homemaker in every way. Once in a while, Subir tried to try his hand in the kitchen but the resultant displeasure of Jayati after he made a mess of…

Vishwakarma Puja — the Celebration which Kicks off the Pujas in Kolkata

It was not so long ago when ‘bho katta’ sound started to arouse everyone in Kolkata since the early morning on the day of Vishwakarma Puja. The fun of flying a kite and competing with a neighbour in it was an awesome entertainment for the young and old alike. The romance with petkati and chandial…

Hyderabad Property Market is Ruled by the Power of 3

Our study of the Hyderabad property market during the January-June period of the current year has shown up interesting insights. In spite of the lockdown and Covid-19 related complications, there is enough interest in property investment. The demand data of the Hyderabad property market has revealed that it is ruled by the power of 3…