KMC Focuses on the Protection of Greens in Kolkata
Among the big cities of India, Kolkata has one of the lowest green cover. Greenery is essential in any city to combat air pollution. There is a huge need in Kolkata to preserve the existing trees and plant new trees. A tree can provide an essential of life for all living things on our planet…

How Christmas and New Year Celebrations Changed in Kolkata with Time
Subir Mukherjee has crossed half a century. Yes, he is now over 50 years of age. He belongs to a generation that witnessed the best of the last century and the overwhelming social change of the 21st century. On the last Sunday afternoon, sitting on his balcony and enjoying the winter afternoon sun, he went…

What is the reason for Kolkata AQI being among the highest in India?
“Do not forget to buy notun gurer sandesh, Shalu absolutely loves them.” Sharmila told her husband Akash while he was going to market on a Sunday. Winter has finally arrived in Kolkata. Kolkata loves its winter. It is the season of celebrations, fun, and frolic. And plum cakes, notun gur, and a variety of vegetables….

How NK Research Team Can Help If You Are Launching a Real Estate Project
From even a decade ago, the Kolkata property market has gradually but surely transformed itself. Now, it is a varied market with diverse choices for consumers. Affordable to super luxury — you get every kind of project in Kolkata. This has opened up huge opportunities for homebuyers as they can choose from various projects. They…

Howrah Bridge — the Unmistakable Symbol of Kolkata for More than 80 years
The Howrah Bridge became operational on 3rd February 1943. A solo tram was the first traveler on the bridge. However, the Howrah Bridge was not formally inaugurated as the British authorities were afraid that the Japanese might bomb the bridge as the second world war was going on. Even today, it is the most prominent…

Poila Boishakh — the Quintessential Spirit of True Blue Bengalis
The Bengali spirit is versatile and they celebrate their festivals in many ways. In fact, their festivals mean different things to different people. It is the same with Poila Boishakh (Bengali New Year). Everybody celebrates this day in different ways. It is the day of religious fervour (mandatory puja), socialising (long adda sessions), indulging in…

Repo Rate and How It Determines Home Loan Interest Rates
Moonmoon has been missing her parents, what with busy workdays because of the approaching financial year-end. Desperate for spending some quality time with them, she decided to take matters into her own hands. So she punched numbers on her mobile phone and got connected to her mother. But she didn’t tell her mother that she…