Top Things to Know about Defaulting on a Home Loan EMI
Cost of a property involves quite a big amount of money, so for majority of people buying a home on full cash payment is difficult to imagine. Therefore, for many, home loans are becoming the most preferred route for buying a residential property. Several studies show a dramatic surge in home loan applications in recent years, as…

Dakshineswar Temple: The Vibrant Spiritual Heritage of Kolkata
For brother and sister duo, Shaon and Mukul Basu, it was their first-ever trip to India and they were truly excited to finally see the Dakshineswar temple — home of the Goddess who their mother is so devoted to. Though the London born-and-bred pair were in their 20s, they never really got around to visiting…

Of Pars and Putts: The Past and Present of Kolkata’s Golfing Culture
The story of SSP Chawrasia — the golf pro who represented India in Rio Olympics — is an inspiring one. His rise from the servant’s quarters of the Royal Calcutta Golf Club to becoming the country’s ace golfer who went on to beat the likes of Ernie Els, the former world no.1 is not just…

Udaya Cresent Koven: Your Dream Haven in the Heart of Hyderabad
We choose to live in homes that mostly resemble who we are or want to be — something that’s commonly referred to as ‘dream home’. When businessman Rajendra Jagapathy was out in the home buying market, his priority was a home that would be his sanctuary even in the middle of the bustling urbanscape of…

The Beneficial Role of Free Wi-Fi in Our Connected Cities
An internet connection is almost a basic need these days as more and more chores are online enabled. Mr. Raman, retired since the last decade, was returning from a leisurely grocery round when his smartphone beeped. It took precious minutes for him to enliven the screen’s call acceptance and answer his worried wife on the…

How the Monsoons Affect and Influence the Indian Economy
Swamini was wide awake, even though it was later than midnight, listening intently to her parents’ discussions. In their modest cottage of two rooms in a small village of Maharashtra, three worried souls were lamenting the poor monsoon. Scarce rainfall meant Swamini’s father would have a low crop yield and this would set them back…

Balaji Elegancia: Your Own Retreat in the Pearl City
These days, it’s increasingly common to head to a weekend getaway to relax and unwind. Coming home at the end of the day is no longer the sign of putting up your feet for many denizens in the city; rather time-off is carefully planned and paid for. Now, imagine if your own home was so…

The Rise and Makeover of the Chaiwala in the Cities of India
The era of coffee shops is passé now, the charcha is all about the chai and around the chaiwala. However, let the disclaimer come in—there are no political angles here. The humble and often ignored concoction of tea has finally taken the trendy crowd by its sweet spell. Or wait, there is more than sweetness…

How the Demand for Home Automation in Hyderabad is Growing Rapidly
Summer vacations back then meant packing your bags and going off to the relatives, but it also meant an amusing episode would be played each time between the parents. ‘Did you switch off the fan?’ ‘Did I switch the fridge off?’ ‘Did you secure the back door?’ These nagging questions between the husband and the…